If you have read my blogs up until now, you will know that my two cats, Stormi and Miso, both have lots of energy. Particularly Miso, since she is a kitten, she is always in a playful mood and getting into all sorts of trouble that she shouldn’t. This blog is going to go in depth about the trouble that both Stormi and Miso get into and the things they do that really get on my nerves.

Climbing on the Counters

The cats climbing on the counters really gets on my nerves so so much. I hate the idea of them being on the kitchen counters where I prepare food at and at the table where I eat the food from. I am constantly shooing them off of these spaces whenever I see them there but I don’t want to think about how often the jump up there when I’m not there. I try to make sure there’s no open food on the counter whenever I leave but sometimes I forget and I fear that Miso gets into it if I leave it there.

Breaking my Lego Flowers

My boyfriend gives me lego flowers every few months. He knows I love lego flowers because it’s fun to put it together, and the flowers don’t die like real flowers. After I build them, I put them on this half-wall between by bedroom and kitchen areas. Miso loves to climb up on this ledge and knock my lego flowers down. Words cannot express how angry I get at her whenever she does this. I have four sets of lego flowers and she has knocked down every single one of them. She will knock them down and then play with the broken pieces that land on the ground, spreading them out making it harder to pick up. I will fix it, then put it back and she will still end up pushing it over again. I put lots of things on the half-wall to discourage her from jumping up there, but she still manages to find a way.

Knocking Over My Glass Cups

Next to my bed, I have a nightstand where I put things like a tissue box, air refreshener, google pod, and usually a glass of water. When I am sleeping, Miso loves to climb up onto this nightstand because she knows she’s not allowed to so for her, its fun to try to.  Anytime I catch her trying to climb up there, I push her off the bed but she always jumps back onto the bed. It’s funny she will jump up to the bed, and lie down next to me pretending to not be interested in the bedside stand. But then she will slowly inch her way toward the stand until I eventually push her off the bed again. The reason why she isn’t allowed up there is because she will knock down everything on it. From shattering glass cups, to breaking my google pod, to losing AirPods she will mess up everything I put on it. I have now learned only place plastic cups on the bedside stand but I really only do that because I only have two glass cups left and I don’t want her breaking those.

Hair Everywhere

One thing about owning two cats in a small apartment is their hair ends up EVERYWHERE. I have a black leather couch that is alway covered in hair. My bedsheets are also covered in hair and I have to wash them almost every week. They will also track cat litter from their feet into the bedsheets as well. Whenever I do my laundry, I have to make sure I put away the clean clothes directly from folding them to my closet or else the cats will end up laying all over it and then my clothes won’t be clean again. I have to make sure my closet door is always closed to keep my clean clothes from getting hair all over it. My cats have picked up on the fact they aren’t allowed in the closet so they will take any opportunity they can to run into my closet and climb all over the clothes in there. Any clothes I leave on the couch after folding or on the ground after changing, always collects so much cat hair that I can’t wear it and I have to wash them again. I really need to invest in a lint roller.

Waking Me Up at Night

Whenever I sleep, my cats think it’s so funny to jump on me or jump on my face at night. They are constantly jumping all over me or trying to play with me whenever I’m either trying to sleep or asleep. Sometimes, they will jump on the half wall between my bedroom and kitchen and then they will jump down on top of me. Which will wake me up so fast. Some other ways they wake me up in the middle of the night is when they hop on the counters or table and then knock something over and break it. The sound will wake me up and then I have to go investigate and see what they broke. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to Stormi and Miso literally fighting on the bed next to me and sometimes I’ll catch a stray claw or tooth in the middle of it.

Stormi and Miso get into a lot of mischief which, from the outside looking in, may seem really cute and adorable but these things really get on my nerves and make me really angry at them. Overall I love them a lot though, they are my babies so I can’t stay too mad at them for long.

Categories: Daily life


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