Double the Trouble: The Mischief Two Cats Can Get Into
If you have read my blogs up until now, you will know that my two cats, Stormi and Miso, both have lots of energy. Particularly Miso, since she is a kitten, she is always in Read more…
Hi! I'm Miso, I am 6 months old and I have endless energy. Some of my favorites things to do jump onto counters and breaking things. I love attention and I love waking up Mom in the middle of the night.
Hi! I'm Stormi. I am around five years old and I am a lot more chill and laid back compared to my sister. Some of my favorite things to do is sleep and play-fight with miso.
Hi! I am the owner of these cats! I love both of them so much and I love being their mom!
If you have read my blogs up until now, you will know that my two cats, Stormi and Miso, both have lots of energy. Particularly Miso, since she is a kitten, she is always in Read more…
Although cats are known to be easy to take care of because they clean themselves and don’t get dirty very often, there are still processes that need to be done that cats can’t do themselves Read more…
Cats are notoriously difficult to leash train. Cats are known for their independent mindset and wanting to do what they want, when they want it. They rarely listen to their owners; they don’t even view their Read more…